Decendants of Anthony
(1610-1684) and Elizabeth of Salem
Village, Massachusetts Bay Colony, New England, 1637
Most information ( all pre 1800)
is from book by Beatrice F. Buxton done in 1983-1985 period based on records
of John O. Buxton ( Vol.I). The book was printed for the Buxton Family
Association of America. Association which was started in 1903.
Origional immigrant BUXTON -Family data referenced here
is not for all BUXTONs in US!
BUXTON Family Association
Buxton Family genealogy book referenced above was published
in 1985 by Bea Buxton & Buxton Assoc. Bea resides now on Cape Cod with
husband Bruster: Bea & Brewster
Buxton <>
Copies of the book are likely still available! There
are 12 copies left at $11.00 p.p. from her as of 1998.
BUXTON Family reunion information.
They usually meet in late summer in Mass. or RI where the first families
The President of the BFA is: Mr. Avis Child; P.O. Box
721; N. Eastham,MA 02651 E-Mail is:
"The Yr 2000 meeting of the Buxton
Family Association will be held at Maple Street Congregational Church in
Danvers, MA , 11am-4pm Sat August 7, 1999" For more information, please
contact the president of the BFA listed above.
Future Site Work
Quaker roots
The entire Buxton Genealogy Book by Bea Buxton!!!-Its to
BIG!!! Lets send it to India to get it converted to electronic words? Buxton
Association project & $?
Where in England are Buxtons from and how name became BUXTON
BUXTONs in Revolutionary War---Capt. James Buxton and others
BUXTON family Soc. officers for 98 & contacts are:
Buxton Web Sites Mostly be Me
Buxton family burial grounds for Buxton and Buffum family
in Smithfield, RI where they migrated from
Salem Village Mass. in fall of 1741. See several photos of BUXTON
cemetary stones in Smithfield Buxton-Buffum Cem. Plot.
TAYLOR family roots in England
that became the BUXTON name!
Family traced back to England in 1500s. Buxton was an alias
for a Taylor family in town of Wookey, Somerset County,England.
Anthony Taylor (birth unk, died 1575). Anthony was 7th son of John Taylor,
alias Buxton, born 1610 in Wookey. John Taylor was 4th son of Anthony.
Buxton Leather Co.
in Springfield,MA area-founded by decendant
of Anthony Buxton. Old Miss Buxton died years ago without heir. Note West
Springfield to Springfield Bridge on South side was renamed "Buxton Bridge"
for her!
Anthony Buxton bp.1610 in Wookey, Somerset
Co, England ( first Buxton immigrant to Colonies)
Joseph Buxton b. 1663 in Salem,MA-1752
( 11th child of Anthony)
Samuel Buxton b.1691-d. 1753 (Smithfield
from MA.?)
Benjamine Buxton b. 1715 Smithfield,RI
Capt.James Buxton b. 1745 in Smithfield,RI-d.
1817 in Smithfield
David Buxton b. 1775 ( 2nd child of James)
Lewis David Buxton b.1831 (11th child of
Lewis DeForest Buxton b. 1867 Worcester,MA
Clara Gertrude Buxton b.1887 Grafton, MA
Dorothy Gertrude Clark b.1908 Grafton,MA
Richard Bolt (me) b.1939 Washington,DC
BUXTONs in Civil War -Not
necessarily part of family above!
BUXTON, Frank W.Co.
A; 26; Londonderry; Commercial agent; w. in foot at Cedar Mt. (9 Ag 62);
DFD 21 N 62
BUXTON, George W.
Co. A; 28; Nelson, NH (Lowell); Truckman; Corp. (10 D 61); w. in both ankles
at Cedar Mt. (9 Ag 62) & d. (? 62)
Willard Buxtonbelonged
to Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain's infamous 20th Maine and was mortally wounded
at Little Round Top, Gettysburg, on July 2, 1863. He died on July 10, 1863,
probably in the 5th Corps hospital. I have copies of his papers and a couple
letters from National Archives. He is also mentioned in passing in two
books--Shaara's fiction, "The Killer Angels" and Tom Desjardin's "Ye Ole
Boys from Maine." If you would like additional information, please email
her at her home e-mail address: kav@gateway.ent